Photo by Artem Beliaikin from Pexels

Loving the Weight-Loss Process

Joy is one emotion most dieters are missing, and it makes their weight-loss journey miserable.

Find your diet. Weight loss and diets are not one-size-fits-all, so find the system that best fits you and your unique needs, one you can live with and that you enjoy, and then engage in your new lifestyle with enthusiasm! The biggest challenge is finding out what works for you, for your body, and your lifestyle, whether that’s keto, Mediterranean, intermittent fasting, weights, cardio, or just plain old counting calories. It will be a process of try-and-fail until you find the one that works for you!
Get mad. When the urge to eat bubbles up, get mad at it. Challenge it! Yell at it. Don’t let it beat you. Raise your standards and change your “should-do” mentality to a “must-do” mentality. After all, health, wellness, and weight loss are some of the most important and life-changing gifts you can give yourself. Don’t you deserve them? If you give up the minute you’re hungry for some greasy or sugary foods, then you’ll never have a body you’re happy with. After a night out with cocktails to celebrate, I know that greasy food sure seems like the answer, but it isn’t.
Don’t tolerate cheating. It’s a lot easier to love dieting and hold yourself to diet restrictions when you remember that YOU are the one setting the restrictions and enforcing them. People psych themselves up, start a diet, lose weight, and then convince themselves they can modify the diet and still get the same results. The only results they get are failure and disappointment. Instead, remember that your outcome is what you are willing to tolerate. That means you need to stop thinking of it as I need to lose weight when the truth is you need to change your eating habits. Your weight will adjust to what it should be.

These are some of the secrets to weight loss. You need to take a good, long look at yourself and fill your soul with a burning passion for success right now before you even start eating healthy, and you need to enjoy the process. Get brutally honest with yourself and know that cheating and bending the rules is not an option. Ultimately, you need to break free from your old ways of thinking about food.

To discover more simple secrets to fast and easy weight loss, pick up a copy of my new book, Advanced Weight Loss.

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